CV Insights

Top tips to structure your CV

Clear and exact

Most employers only take about six seconds to read a resume, so you need is a resume with precision in communication of text. Just follow these rules of thumb:
1. Limit your work history to the last 8 years (unless you’re applying to a job that specifically requests more than 8 years’ experience)
2. Have a two pages at the maximum.
3. Direct reader’s attention  on skills and work examples that directly address what the job needs.
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Keywords are key

Recruiters will inspect your resume for important keywords that relate to the job. To do this, they use applicant tracking systems (ATS) that recruiters use to scan resumes. To make sure you’re covered on keywords
1. Go through the job description and find phrases and words that describe what the job requires.
2. Identify the highest required tasks, as well as hard and soft skills.
3. Find experiences and skills of your own that match these keywords.

Keep your layout straightforward

Recruiters don’t have time to scan through your cv designs in seeking the keywords they require. Hence fancy design might do more harm than good. If the fonts are unreadable or the intended points are missed. It is advised to keep your design industry-relevant, as this allows the HR manager to easily match your cv for the specific role.

Avoid unclear language

Though speaking the industry language is advisable, however once you are referring to skills outside the job description. Make it point to address acronyms as this my leave a gap in the reader’s mind. Getting all skills and experience communicated will give extra value to the reader as this will allow them to make an informed decision.

Go heavy on action verbs

Use action verbs to describe your experiences. It is important to cast an image of what level of work was done as this helps the recruiter to come to a conclusion on the level of expertise in varied areas. Include any honors or professional awards you’ve had that relate to the job you’re applying for.
Some action verbs when related to the key roles in the job descriptions allow for swift connections to be made to ascertain just how fit the CV meets the role.

Your resume should tell a story

Everything in your resume should be geared towards the job in question: Your explanation of how you have become, and why you’re the best fit for the job. Make sure your skills and qualifications are demonstrated through your work accomplishments, and sum it up together in your personal statement, which should provide a clear overview of your top traits.

Review your resume for mistakes

A survey of employers showed that of the most common mistakes applicants make on their resumes, 58% are misspellings. 20 % of errors are in the titles. 70% make more mistakes in showing relevance of skills.Always take time to perform a spelling check, and review all the information you provide for accuracy of communication.

Create different resumes for different jobs

It is important to avoid generic CV’s. Imagine all professionals always wearing the sam outfit for different specific jobs. We would struggle with engineers performing surgery. It is important that your stories stay unique as we become different leaders in different jobs as required. You have to create a specific resume for each request. Not one for each industry.

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