About fatikho@gmail.com
About me
2002 - 2004
2019 - Present
Integrate and co¬ordinate various activities of the company. Direct and motivate persons working in the organization. Motivate subordinates in improving their performance and working to their full capacity for the benefit of the organization. Initiate and oversee new projects for the improvement of organizational performance. Take corrective actions in response to previously unforeseen problems. Assign and monitor the allocation of human, physical, and monetary resources. Negotiate and discuss and bargain with other groups to gain advantage for the organization. Define the activities and objectives of various persons in the organization. Create right type of atmosphere and homogeneity within the work-group. Put various resources, physical as well as human, together for achieving organizational goals. Ensure good communication system so that various activities are properly coordinated. Delegation of authority: encouraging subordinates to take up suitable work as per their capabilities and expertise Take decisions for various activities. Act as a spokesman for the organization. Deal with outsiders and provide them with requisite information required by them. Also maintain proper relations with all interest groups including shareholders, employers, customers, suppliers, government etc.
2019 - Present
Integrate and co¬ordinate various activities of the company. Direct and motivate persons working in the organization. Motivate subordinates in improving their performance and working to their full capacity for the benefit of the organization. Initiate and oversee new projects for the improvement of organizational performance. Take corrective actions in response to previously unforeseen problems. Assign and monitor the allocation of human, physical, and monetary resources. Negotiate and discuss and bargain with other groups to gain advantage for the organization. Define the activities and objectives of various persons in the organization. Create right type of atmosphere and homogeneity within the work-group. Put various resources, physical as well as human, together for achieving organizational goals. Ensure good communication system so that various activities are properly coordinated. Delegation of authority: encouraging subordinates to take up suitable work as per their capabilities and expertise Take decisions for various activities. Act as a spokesman for the organization. Deal with outsiders and provide them with requisite information required by them. Also maintain proper relations with all interest groups including shareholders, employers, customers, suppliers, government etc.